How they met:
Where do I even begin! On July 10, 2021 I had the privilege of photographing a bride and groom that are more like family to me than they are “clients”. Harper is my best friend’s little sister- I’ve known her since she was 13 years old. Which is about the age that Harper was when she met her now husband- Mitch McCannon. That’s right…This free spirited couple met when they were in 7th grade! Are you kidding me!? Finding your best friend and soulmate when you’re just a kid. At that age you’re experiencing the kind of young love that, when your crush simply says your name you get butterflies! Now, I do not 100% know if that’s the case for these two…But what I do know is that they have been, currently are and will forever be BEST FRIENDS.
First Date Feels:
While 7th grade was the school year in which they met…Their first date wasn’t until their junior year in high school when they went to the ‘Hot Air Balloon Rodeo’ in their small mountain town of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. The balloons are released into the sky at 6:00am- so imagine bringing your ‘best’, to a first date, that early in the morning. It clearly didn’t thwart the connection that these to formulated because they haven’t missed the balloons in 7 YEARS!! And wouldn’t you know it…They chose to get married the same weekend of their first date which meant, the balloon rodeo was in town. At 6:00am- the dawn of their wedding day- these two woke up early to spend their 7 year anniversary watching the balloons rise in the sky one last time before becoming husband and wife. *cue the tears*
The dedication that this couple has to one another, and to Christ, is beautiful. It’s what we all strive for…Unconditional love- through good times and bad- through youth and age.
Cheers to these two and to all of the hot air balloon festivals to come!